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 Animal/Spirit Totems

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Animal/Spirit Totems Empty
PostSubject: Animal/Spirit Totems   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyMon Jan 18, 2016 2:18 pm

This post is for everyone to share their animal totems and what they have learned about them. I will be posting a daily animal totem in no particular order except alphabetical from a known site. Feel free to post about your animal totems and what they mean to you. You can definitely have more than one, some believe you have 9, one for each elemental, each direction and then spirit. I will posting in a separate post about my totems, I encourage you to share as well! If you have not come in to contact with your animal/spirit totem, there is a meditation to help with that, I will be posting it soon as well.

Last edited by LadyMoonPanther on Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Animal/Spirit Totems Empty
PostSubject: Animal Totem of the Day   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyMon Jan 18, 2016 2:25 pm

Animal Totem of the Day: January 18, 2016

Afghan Hound

Your best course of action at the moment is honesty – it's the only way to maintain your dignity.
-Afghan Hound

Animal/Spirit Totems Afghan-31-110x165

If Afghan Hound has come bounding across your path;

Keep your eyes focused on your goals and chase them down whole heartedly and with all the enthusiasm you can muster. You have the speed and agility to maneuver your way to where you want to go right now so take that opportunity and just go for it! You know what you have to do!

Animal/Spirit Totems Afghan-21-165x110

If Afghan Hound is your Animal Totem;

You have a very dignified and aloof way of carrying yourself. You strive to be extremely independent however laughter is always your undoing. You would crawl miles through the brambles if it would earn you a chuckle, a smile or an outright guffaw. Your clown instinct is never very far away. You are simply a very happy being.

Animal/Spirit Totems Afghan-11-165x160

If Afghan Hound has come into your dreams;

Dreaming of a red Afghan Hound can be a message that you need to keep your intentions focused on your current goals. Allowing yourself to get distracted right now can undermine all your hard work.

To dream of a white or cream colored Afghan Hound symbolizes that perhaps your goals need to be more spiritually oriented rather materially focused. Alternatively to dream of a black afghan means that you have attained your goals – even though you cannot see it yet. It is time to enter the void and start a new project.

Additional Meanings of Afghan Hound

Accessing the Inner Clown
Focused Intention
Intelligence and Reasoning
Ancient Wisdom
Appearances – Hidden Intelligence

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PostSubject: Airedale Terrier   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyTue Jan 19, 2016 9:53 pm

Animal Totem of the Day: January 19, 2016

Airedale Terrier

   You are being reminded that you have many useful characteristics that you are currently allowing to lie dormant within you. Only by truly allowing yourself to embrace the whole of who you are will you be able to attain your full potential as a sentient being.     -Airedale Terrier

Animal/Spirit Totems Airedale-Terrier-41-165x117

If Airedale Terrier has come across your path

Observation is a keyword when Airedale makes his presence known. Pay attention to the world around you – especially elements that reflect the human condition. Have you withdrawn from the fray simply because it’s too painful to acknowledge that we have been ignoring others less fortunate than us? Be aware that you are being pushed away from the sidelines and are being asked to participate in some way in order to improve what you see. It’s time to take a more “hands on” approach.

If Airedale Terrier is your Animal Totem

You are highly intelligent and outgoing. Your friendliness is contagious and you often engage those who normally do not make friends easily. You are always alert to your surroundings and act according to the energy of the moment. Often you will confidently take matters into your own hands in order to lighten the mood or avert negativity. You have a great deal of courage and heart in awkward social moments and always have exactly the right antidote to smooth the emotional waters and avert catastrophe.

If Airedale Terrier has come into your dreams

It could be symbolizing that you are probably carrying more than your share of the load. Martyrdom and stoicism are not necessarily positive personality traits. Take the time to discern what it is that you can let go of and move on.

Alternatively dreaming about an Airedale Terrier could be telling you that your loyalty at work has paid off.

Additional Associations of Airedale Terrier;

- Intelligence
- Independence
- Outgoing
- Versatility in obtaining Goals.
- Strong Will
- Stubbornness
- Friendliness
- Alertness
- Stoicism
- Activism
- Courageousness
- Confidence
- Aggressiveness
- Curiosity

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Last edited by LadyMoonPanther on Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Animal/Spirit Totems Empty
PostSubject: Alligator or Crocodile   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyWed Jan 20, 2016 12:20 pm

Totem of the Day: January 20, 2016

Alligator or Crocodile

   Know when it's time to lay low and conceal yourself until the exact right moment. Flying under the radar is the best way for you to get what you want right now.    -Alligator

If Alligator or Crocodile has swam into your life

Look for an opportunity to ingest new knowledge and wisdom. This totem animal contains all the unbridled creative forces of the world and the fury and ferocity of Primal Energies. It is the keeper and protector of all knowledge.

Know that this is the beginning of a new period of growth and regeneration. Use breathing techniques to keep yourself balanced during this time of change and give yourself time to integrate all of the changes you are making in your life. Patience is key at the moment.
If Alligator or Crocodile is your Animal Totem;

You have a gift for bringing harmony into your life in ways that help you to survive and prosper. You allow other to be their true selves and work hard at being your authentic self at all times. As an Alligator or Crocodile person you are usually in touch with your true emotions in any given situation. You know and understand that what you project emotionally is important for others to see. You also have a lot of patience in the chaos of other people’s emotions as well as a deeper understanding of what they are truly expressing. You are a gifted healer in the emotional realms.
If Alligator or Crocodile has come into your Dreams;

To see an Alligator or Crocodile in your dream symbolizes freedom, hidden strength and power. It also forewarns of hidden danger. Someone near you is giving you bad advice and is trying to sway you into poor decisions. Because Alligator or Crocodile can live in water and on land, they also represent your conscious and subconscious and the emotional and rational. Perhaps something is coming to the surface and you are on the verge of some new awareness.

Alternatively, the Alligator or Crocodile may be an aspect of yourself and your aggressive and “snappy” attitude. Or it may reveal that are being insincere, displaying false emotions and shedding “crocodile tears”.

To dream that you are chased or bitten by an Alligator or Crocodile denotes disappointments in love and in business.

Additional Associations with Alligator or Crocodile

- Maternal protection
- Connection to Mother Earth
- Revenge through patience
- Understanding ancient knowledge
- Rough
- Stern
- Stealthy
- Basic survival
- ‘The Ancient One of the Swamp’
- Fear
- Time
- Magic
- Honor
- Speed
- Strength
- Instinct
- Cunning
- Bravery
- Efficiency
- Resilience
- Solar power
- Birth/creation
- Dependability
- Indestructibility
- Emotional depth
- Primal/ancient power

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Last edited by LadyMoonPanther on Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Animal/Spirit Totems Empty
PostSubject: Ant   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 7:05 pm

Totem of the Day: January 21, 2016


   You are stronger than you think! Sure things are tough right now but KNOW that you will soon be reaping the rewards of all your hard work.

When Ant comes marching into your life

Encountering an ant you should consider that all good things come with time, and effort. Work with diligence, with conviction, and work with others in order to forge your dreams and turn them into reality. Despite their tiny size these little spirits are immensely strong, great strength of will and accomplishment can come even in the smallest of packages.

Alternatively it may be time to consider your own role, concentrate on your specialties and make sure you are making the most of your natural gifts. However, remain aware that nothing can be accomplished without the unity of the whole. Think about how your own contributions in your career, your family, and day to day life fit into the larger picture. No matter how small your task, or your contribution, it is still essential.
If Ant is your Animal Totem:

You are easily able to see your future needs and plan for it. You have an instinctive knowledge of how to build your dreams slowly over time and are content in knowing that everything will come in time. You are the architect of your life. Your greatest successes come with persistence. You have the ability to easily work with others and have a strong sense of community goals.

When Ant marches through your dreams

To see ants in your dream signify your general dissatisfaction in your daily life. You are feeling neglected and insignificant. Or petty things will annoy you throughout the following day. The dream may also be a metaphor on feeling antsy or restless.

Ants also symbolize hard work, diligence, cooperation and industry. Increase business activities are expected. On a less positive note, ants symbolize social conformity and mass action. In this regard, you may feel that your life is too structured and orderly.

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Last edited by LadyMoonPanther on Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Animal/Spirit Totems Empty
PostSubject: Antelope   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyFri Jan 22, 2016 5:27 pm

Totem of the Day: January 22, 2016


   Take a leap of faith and go ahead with what you have been thinking. Just do it.

If Antelope has come bounding through your life

It is time to take action and allow the antelope to show you the way. Use their keen eyesight to see the path being offered before you. Make your decisions wisely by using your instincts rather than your intellect. This animal can show you how to adapt to the most stringent or un-inhabitable situations. Antelope medicine will show you how to find greater love and an abundance of life in most anything you encounter.
If Antelope is your Totem:

Are usually quick-witted and intelligent. You are very much in the present moment and just waiting to burst out in communication with others. Your curiosity is intense and you are full of questions, questions, and questions. All meant for further gaining of knowledge that will lead to wisdom. Those with an antelope totem are prone to have very active imaginations.
To Dream of an Antelope:

To see an antelope in your dream suggests that your high ambitions will only be achieved through a great expenditure of energy. You will experience much success as a result of your dedication. Alternatively, the dream may be telling you to flee or retreat from some situation.
Additional Associations for Antelope:

- Keen intuition
- Strong sense of smell
- Mental clarity
- Protector
- Moves with speed and grace
- Ability to advance quickly
- Awareness of ones surroundings
- Vigilance
- Action
- Speed
- Sacrifice
- Adaptability

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Last edited by LadyMoonPanther on Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Animal/Spirit Totems Empty
PostSubject: Arabian Horse   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptySat Jan 23, 2016 11:11 pm

Totem of the Day: January 23, 2016

Arabian Horse

   Success is endurance for one moment more!
   -Arabian Horse

If Arabian Horse has cantered across your path

You are being reminded that who you are today is the combination of all your past experiences, as well the experiences of your ancestors. Your cultural heritage is what shapes the way you think and respond to the environment around you today. The Arabian Horse is asking you to look closely at your own responses to your environment and see if they are still appropriate in this day and age. Embrace independent thinking and embark on your own personal journey.

Alternatively the Arabian Horse is reminding you to be sensitive to your environment. Are you treading as carefully as you need to?
If Arabian Horse is your Animal Totem;

You have incredible endurance skills and are persistent through difficult terrain. You are a superb physical specimen considered by many to be beautiful. You embrace your heritage and culture traditions and maintain them whole heartedly. You are an intelligent and independent thinker, sometime a little on the flighty side with a short attention span. You have little use for time wasters. You require a good deal of mental stimulation in order to keep from getting bored and love challenges. You have a delicate and fine boned structure yet are extremely strong and powerful physically. You have a proud carriage that is occasionally misconstrued as aloofness. You have a warm heart and are fiercely protective and loyal to those you deem worthy of your affection. You are sensitive to energy and often have the gift of clairsentience.

If Arabian Horse has come into your Dream

To see an Arabian Horse in your dreams signifies your abilities to navigate difficult situations in your waking life. The dream is letting you know that you have the strength and endurance to see things through to the finish. Stay true to yourself and who you are and keep moving forward.

To see an Arabian Horse emerge from the mist in your dream is a symbol of victory in battle. If the horse has the legendary “bloody shoulder” then your victory will come at a cost to yourself and you must decide whether or not that cost is worth it to you.

To see an Arabian Horse and rider in traditional desert garb signifies your need to get back to your own cultural roots and to embrace your own heritage.

Additional Associations for Arabian Horse…

- Beauty
- Vanity
- Persistence through difficult terrain
- Endurance
- Cultural Tradition
- Intelligence
- Independent thinking
- Flightiness
- Short attention span
- Busy – ness
- Strength through Refinement
- Power
- Warm Hearted – ness
- Protection
- Affection
- Defense against intrusion
- Loyalty
- Pride
- Nomadic
- Good Nature
- Willing to please
- Alertness
- Sensitivity
- Foundations

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Last edited by LadyMoonPanther on Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Animal/Spirit Totems Empty
PostSubject: Badger   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptySun Jan 24, 2016 8:12 pm

Totem of the Day: January 24, 2016


   It's time to get busy with projects that you have long put off! Speak up, and ask for help if you need it!

If Badger has come strolling into your life

When the Badger comes into our lives it tells us to “walk your own path at your own pace.” Have faith in yourself and your own abilities. Know that you have all the right tools to take on whatever challenge faces you. Never mind what others may say.

It can also be a sign that it is time for us to come out of hiding. Let the world know you mean business!

When Badger is your Animal Totem

The Badger is connected to the earth which means that it is a grounding totem for us. When we feel out of touch, or confused the Badger can help us get rooted within ourselves, and anchor us to what is important in our lives.
If Badger comes to your dreams:

To dream of a Badger, is a sign of luck after battles with hardships. This website has a detailed description of the meaning behind Badger dreams.

Additional Associations of Badger:

-- Determination
- Eagerness
- Strong will
- Focus
- Strategy
- Tenacity
-  Defense
- Protection
- Independence
- Confidence
- Persistence in our Pursuits
- Fierceness
- Grounding
- Individuality
- Assertiveness
- Self Reliance
- Willingness
- Keeper of stories
- Bold Self-Expression
- Aggressiveness
-  Single-mindedness
-  Passion
-  Cunning
-  Revenge
-  Perseverance
-  Control
-  Antidote to passivity or victimization
-  Persistence in the service of a mission
-  Knowledge of the earth
-  Earth magic and wisdom
-  Creative action in a crisis
-  Protection of rights and spiritual ideas

Last edited by LadyMoonPanther on Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Animal/Spirit Totems Empty
PostSubject: Bat   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyMon Jan 25, 2016 1:21 pm

Totem of the Day: January 25, 2016


   Your positive thoughts, prayers, and affirmations have put you back on the right path. Know that you are being helped and guided through this change.

If Bat has swooped across your path

You have just received a significant omen of change in your life. You are being asked to pay attention to the signs around whether they are physical, mental, emotional and spiritual in nature. Bat is a symbol of the death of some part of you that no longer serves your higher calling. Follow through on new ideas, hunches and even emotions that you are not familiar with. This change may be somewhat painful if you forestall it – however know that if you embrace it the universe will make every attempt to make these changes as easy as possible for you.

Alternatively Bat is reminding you to continue to pursue your spiritual growth by letting go of ego, renewing thoughts and beliefs on a regular basis, doing inner work, loving your enemies the same way you love yourself, and nurturing personal growth in all it’s forms.
If Bat is your Animal Totem;

You are highly sensitive to and extremely aware of your surroundings and have a powerful ability to see through illusions. You tend to dive straight to the heart of matters, are extremely social and have strong family ties. You are nurturing, have good communications skills and use your sense of touch as part of communicating. You are very perceptive on a psychic level and are prone to having prophetic dreams. You are also highly adaptable to any situation you find yourself in.

If Bat has come into your Dream

To see a Bat in your dream can represent uncleanness, personal demons and or annoyances. Alternatively a Bat in your dream can be a symbol of rebirth and unrealized potential. Allow yourself to let go of old habits. The current path you are on is not very compatible with your new growth and new goals. It may also be a message that you are blindly entering some unknown situation or deal. You need to evaluate the facts more carefully.

To dream of a white Bat may signify the death of a family member. To dream of a black Bat may be an omen of personal disaster. To see a vampire Bat in your dream is usually a symbol of something in your life draining your of self-confidence, your energy, and/or your resources. In Chinese folklore seeing five Bats in your dream is a symbol of good health, happiness, longevity, peace, and wealth

Occasionally the dream may also been a pun on feeling “batty” or feeling crazy.

Additional Associations for Bat…

- Shamanic death and rebirth
- Renewing our thoughts and beliefs on a moment-to-moment basis
- Pollination of new ideas
- Transition
- Illusion
- Initiation
- Dying to our Ego
- Rebirth
- Loving our Enemies as ourselves
- Viewing past lives
- Exploring the Underworlds of Reality
- Intuition
- Understanding grief
- Journeying
- The use of vibrational sound
- Camouflage
- Inner Depth
- Invisibility
- Communication
- Ability to observe unseen

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Last edited by LadyMoonPanther on Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Animal/Spirit Totems Empty
PostSubject: Bear   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyTue Jan 26, 2016 8:04 pm

Totem of the Day: January 26, 2016


   Be clear about where your boundaries are. Stand your ground

When Bear comes strolling across your path

It’s time to go inward and explore the notion of your very existence. Delve deep into your heart to find the significance of your own path and journey. Know that you are free to roam at will along your own path.

If this Bear has cubs close at hand or a Bear cub visits you make sure you bring your children closer to you. It could signify that you need to connect closely with the kids around you and ensure that they are safe, free of fear and free from harm.

If Bear is your Animal Totem

You have a great deal of patience in manifesting your ideas and projects waiting for just the right moment to spring them on the universe.. You have a great deal of confidence in who you are and where you are going in life. You are looked upon as an authority figure. You are nurturing and protect your children well.

If Bear comes drifting through your Dreams

It could signify that it is time to explore your thoughts. Are you caught in the rut of compulsive thinking? Perhaps you have allowed other to do your thinking for you! Step back and re assess things. Go inward and find your true feeling on this matter and follow what you know is right in your heart.

Additional Associations for Bear

- Introspection
- Subconscious/Unconscious mind
- Strength
- Grounding
- Inner energy of soul to find answers
- Judgments, are you too critical or not critical enough
- Inner power to taste the honey of life
- Peace
- Nurturing and Protection
- Resurrection
- Confidence and Authority
- Powerful
- Patience and Connection
- Benevolence
- Aggressiveness
- Sovereignty
- Motherhood
- Duality

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Last edited by LadyMoonPanther on Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Beagle   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyWed Jan 27, 2016 5:18 pm

Totem of the Day: January 27, 2016

   Have faith in those around you - they will come through.

If Beagle has come across your path

You are being reminded that careful timing is needed right now in order to move things forward with your current project. Know that there is opportunity in waiting for the right moment – however be careful that you don’t miss the opportunity entirely.

Alternatively Beagle may be letting you know that exciting things are happening for you right now. Stay calm and go with the flow. It’s not quite time yet to rest on your laurels or to celebrate your victories. Keep your head – steady as she goes!

If Beagle is your Animal Totem

You have a mind of your own! You are determined and watchful and know exactly when to pounce on any opportunity. You enjoy working in larger groups and focus on group goals almost ruthlessly. You focus extremely well on a chosen path and are very goal oriented once committed. You love nature and the outdoors – often getting lost in your thoughts during a hike or a walk yet also function well in urban apartment living. The point is you love to be active whether it is indoors or out. You sometimes have difficulty being alone.

If Beagle has come into your dreams

It most likely symbolizes the devotion of those around you towards you. Your dream is reminding you that friends and family will stand by your with unconditional acceptance and through thick and thin. Relations may be somewhat strained but the loyalty is there.

Additional Associations of Beagle;

- Friendship
- Amiability
- Excitability
- Tolerance
- Enthusiasm
- Devotion
- Determination
- Gentleness
- Intelligence
- Emotional Stability

Last edited by LadyMoonPanther on Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Animal/Spirit Totems Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal/Spirit Totems   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyFri Jan 29, 2016 8:17 pm

Totem of the Day: January 28, 2016


   Even the smallest of contributions of time or energy will give you a sense of community and kinship with like-minded folks.

If Beaver has come swimming into your life

He will be reminding you to act on your dreams in order to make them a reality. He also sets the example that teamwork in your work life and family life make it easier to build your dreams into reality. You have to work at them to make them real.

If Beaver is your Animal Totem

You are generally a team player. You work well in groups with set common goals even though you are self-sufficient. You know when it’s time to work and when it’s time to play and take great joy and pride in strong structured, and disciplined family connections. Beaver people are always motivated and willingly start new and creative projects. They are not afraid to build on their dreams.

If Beaver has visited you in your Dreams

It is often associated with industriousness and independence. The beaver as a great planner and builder, is offering protection and care to their young. The word beaver sometimes has sexual connotations – the sexual organs. If there is emphasis on the beaver dam, then it may suggest either conserving your energy and emotions, or holding back feelings, depending on the dream action.

In the Native American Indian traditions the beaver was often seen as a holy animal, and occasionally offered great wisdom to the dreamer. If the beaver speaks to you in the dream, it may be expressing innate or unconscious information or insights you have that are becoming conscious.

Additional Associations with Beaver

- Teaches lessons of breath for health
- Motion
- Emotions
- Builder of dreams
- Teamwork
- Time of action to build upon those long-awaited dreams
- May mean to go forth with plans
- Psyche
- Intuition
- Subconscious
- Clearer understanding of our subconscious thoughts and dreams
- Balance and flexibility concerning ourselves and our expectations
- Diligence to keep and reach our goals
- Take time for self, friends and family
- Ability to mold our thoughts more constructively to suit our needs

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Animal/Spirit Totems Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal/Spirit Totems   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptySun Jan 31, 2016 4:39 pm

Animal Totem of the Day: January 31, 2016

Bee (honey)

   Observe your social networks. Are you communicating effectively and keeping in touch with our loved ones?
   -Honey Bee

When Bee comes buzzing into your life

If the Bee has shown up in your life, examine your own productivity. Are you doing all you can to make your life more fertile? Are you busy enough? Are you making time to savor the honey of life and not becoming a workaholic?

The Bee reminds us to make our lives productive while the sun shines and to enjoy the nectar of efforts. No matter how great the dream is, there is the promise of fulfillment if we pursue our dreams.

If the Bee is your Animal Totem

You have the ability to accomplish the impossible over and over again. You know how to enjoy the sweetness that life brings you and you understand the proper use of your own energy. Your intentions are always focused on a clear path and goal in life. You are also self-sufficient, very focused, a very hard worker, and you work best when they are working with others.

If the Bee has come to you in your dreams

To see Bees in your dream symbolizes wealth, good luck, harmony, creativity and bliss. Bees are also symbolic of hard work and industry as represented by the common phrase “busy as a Bee.” Your hard work will pay off in the end with sweet results. Alternatively, the dream represents the things that are happening in your life or something that is buzzing with activity. Is there a lot going on in your life?

In particular, to see the queen Bee in your dream refers to a dominant female in your life.

To dream that you are stung by a Bee, indicates that you have been wronged. Maybe you have been hurt by some stinging remark.

Additional Associations for Bee:

- Industry
- Action
- Communication
- Ability to consciously choose the results we want in our lives
- Examine your own productivity in life (mentally, physically, spiritually)
- Are you reaping the honey of life by your dreams and opportunities?

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Last edited by LadyMoonPanther on Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Bernese Mountain Dog   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyTue Feb 02, 2016 12:23 am

Animal Totem of the Day: February 1, 2016

Bernese Mountain Dog

   Are you carrying your coworkers? Or perhaps they are carrying you! Take a good look at how you are all sharing the load. Teamwork should be balanced.
   -Bernese Mountain Dog

If Bernese Mountain Dog has come across your path

He is reminding you that in order to find meaning and purpose you have to return to the things that give you joy in life. Know that you can create a career that gives value to your own heart by rediscovering those things that gave you pride in yourself and your accomplishments. Share your gifts in unusual ways and explore your passions more deeply. Often this can be found in the simplest of things.

If Bernese Mountain Dog is your Animal Totem

You are a diligent worker. You love to simply put your shoulder into any task of the moment and get it done right now. There is absolutely no procrastination with any project no matter how big or how small. You know exactly what you want to do with your life and how you want to achieve your goals. Occasionally you will be so focused on your passion that you will forget to involve others or forget to simply stop and enjoy life.

If Bernese Mountain Dog has come into your dreams

To dream of Bernese Mountain Dog can symbolize your own strength of purpose in life. If you have not found your purpose yet then the message can mean that you will soon find your purpose in life and follow it with passion.

Alternatively the dog can represent the fact that you need to take a break from your work in order to renew your passion and joy with life.

Additional Associations for Bernese Mountain Dog;

- Self Confidence
- Alertness
- Purposeful
- Good Natured
- Intelligence
- Natural Leadership
- Teamwork
- Migration
- Strength
- Serenity
- Sensitivity
- Devotion
- Loyalty
- Companionship

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Last edited by LadyMoonPanther on Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Blackbird (Redwing)   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyWed Feb 03, 2016 11:16 pm


   You have the ability to understand and share that understanding of the forces of Nature. Be yourself and speak from the heart.
   -Redwing Blackbird

If Redwing Blackbird has come flitting across your path

He is letting you know that the forces of nature are at work and that big changes are coming into your life right now. These changes have been slowly manifesting all around you and are now ready to burst forth and become reality. If you pay close attention to where you see the Redwing Blackbird you may be able to foresee what changes are coming.

Alternatively the Redwing Blackbird may also be an omen – letting you know that you will be a participant of a close family emotional shift that is important to their personal growth. It is important for you to stay grounded throughout this shift and to allow them the space to make the changes necessary. You are meant to be in a supportive role without inserting your own intentions or propaganda. Try to be the non judgmental, unconditionally accepting force that provides balance, grounding and a safe haven for those experiencing change. Do not participate in the drama – simply be there for them.

Redwing Blackbird brings omens, mysticism, reveals a fear that is ruling you, and opens you to receive new adventures and life experiences.

If Redwing Blackbird is your Animal Totem

You have an awareness of all changes of perception as they unfold within you. Your psychic abilities are generally used to bring forth latent gifts and creativity for those around you. You show them how to move with determination, focus and tenacity. You know how to use your power to its fullest potential. You bring forth the magic of the unseen worlds and balance it with the forces of nature and the earth. You are a messenger of new awakening. You have a strong connection with Nature and use your intuition freely in support of her. You bring new surprises to those around you when they least expect it.

If Redwing Blackbird has come to you in your dreams

To see a Redwing Blackbird in your dream can signify a lack of motivation. You are not utilizing your full potential. Alternatively, it represents jealousy, lust or temptation.

Additional Associations of Redwing Blackbird;

- Enchantment
- The Gateway
- The inner call
- Connection to the water plant kingdom
- Doing trance work
- Use of camouflage in protection of family
- Ability to sway with the winds of change
- Guide
- Illumination
- Magician
- Black Magic

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PostSubject: Bloodhound   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyThu Feb 04, 2016 5:35 pm

Animal/Spirit Totem of the Day: February 4, 2016


Feeling a little stuck with your goals? Circle around and go back a few steps. There is something you have over looked.

If Bloodhound has come bounding across your path

Bloodhound is letting you know that it is time for you to play the sleuth! Look deep into the implications of what you are considering and weigh all things carefully. Don’t be afraid to hold yourself accountable or stand up as an agent for accountability. Use this knowledge wisely and share it if necessary.

If Bloodhound is your Animal Totem

You have a nose for following your instincts toward any goal. You are tenacious in the pursuit of your goals and you are unafraid of letting everyone know when you reach your goal. You are very mild mannered and easy going. You love children and can spend hours in their company giving them your full attention. You occasionally do tend to get stubborn and willful if someone tries to push you in a direction you feel is not right for you or if they are simply just throwing their weight around.

If Bloodhound has come into your dreams

You are being reminded that your goals are only attainable if you continue to put the time and effort into achieving them. Follow all of your leads and possibilities as one of them is about to bear the jackpot . Leave no stone un-turned – it is all within your grasp.

Alternatively a Bloodhound in your dream could be giving you notice that you need to look closely at those around you. Someone is deceiving you or cheating you out of your own success. Look closely at your self as well because there is knowledge to be gained by going inward. Do not be afraid to keep everyone honest around you and pursue justice if necessary.

Additional Meanings of Bloodhound;

- Affection
- Gentleness
- Stubbornness
- Kindness,
- Nobility,
- Mild Mannered
- Unconditional Acceptance
- Determination
- Independence
- Clear Boundaries

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PostSubject: 'Blue' Heron   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyThu Feb 11, 2016 5:55 pm

Spirit Animal/Totem of the Day: February 11, 2016

'Blue' Heron

Be persistent! Don't let this opportunity get away from you!

If Heron has come wading across your path

It is time to look deeper into aspects of your life that will bring out innate wisdom and show you how to become self-reliant. Are you grounding yourself regularly? Heron teaches that grounding yourself in the earth and your spiritual beliefs will help you discover emotional insights more clearly and more quickly.

Alternatively he could be teaching you how how to become comfortable in uncertain situations and to be watchful of opportunities to arise so that you can quickly grasp them and move on.

If Heron is your Animal Totem

You love to explore various activities and dimensions of Earth life. On the surface, this may seem like a form of dabbling, but more than likely you are wonderfully successful at being a traditional ‘Jack of all trades’.

This ability enables you to follow their own path. Most people will never quite understand the way you live because on the surface it seems to be unstructured without stability or security to it. It is, though, just a matter of perspective. There is security underneath it all, for it gives you the ability to do a variety of tasks. If one way does not work, then another will. This is something you seem to inherently know.

You do not seem to need a lot of people in your life, nor do you feel pressured to keep up with the material world, or to be traditional in your life roles. You stand out in your uniqueness, and you know how to snatch and take advantage of things and events that the average person would not even bother with.

If Heron has come to you in your dreams

To see a heron in your dream represents self-reliance, stability, tactfulness and careful forethought. You will achieve much success through your efforts. Alternatively, dreaming of a heron signifies your ability to explore and delve into your subconscious.

Additional Associations of Heron;

- Aggressive
- Self‐determined
- Balance
- Vigilance
- Quiet
- Power of water
- The underworld
- Tact
- Delicacy
- Renewal
- Life
- Transformation
- Determination
- Follow your own path
- Helps look deeper into aspects of life
- Innate wisdom
- All aspects of diversity
- Self-reliance
- Boundaries
- Exploration
- Self-esteem
- Balancing multiple tasks
- Dignity

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PostSubject: 'Blue' Jay   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyMon Feb 15, 2016 4:50 pm

Spirit Animal/Totem of the Day: February 15, 2016

'Blue' Jay

If there's an issue that needs confrontation, don't sweep it under the rug or Jay will drag it back out into the open!

If Jay has flown into your life

Jay teaches lessons of adaptation to any situations and learning quickly with a high intelligence. He gives access to memories long forgotten and shows how to assimilate them into awareness. He demonstrates risk taking, seizing opportunities and discovering new avenues for exploration. He will show the power of intelligence and fortitude balanced with discreet silence and utmost patience in timing. Bold and inquisitive Jay has a penchant for investigating, adapting and learning new ideas and concepts. His creative intelligence uncovers sacred interconnections with all things. Mental growth aids spiritual growth. The energy centers of the head may become activated due to the increase of new spiritual knowledge.

If Jay is your Animal Totem

You know when to stand tall and be seen and when to lay low and become invisible. You easily link with the spirit realm without getting lost in it. You rarely become flighty or nervous and easily stay grounded.
If Jay has flown to you in your Dreams;

To see a blue jay in your dream indicates that you are over-confident and being too arrogant. Alternatively, a blue jay may be trying to call attention to something which you have overlooked.

If it was a Steller’s Jay – pay attention to dream time as traveling, journeying and body sensations which will give new insights. Connect with Mother Earth. Steller’s Jay also demonstrates that anything of value, spiritual growth and relationships takes work. It is daily activation of internal resources, let Steller’s Jay show how it is done. Knowledge is collected so future wisdom comes to light. Is it time to set new goals? Envision it and pick the pieces into small ones to completion. He supports strong communication abilities often with sharp jabs. Exercise judgment, care, and diplomacy. The opposite may be true as well. Is it time to be forthright to finally “crack” the issue open? Steller’s Jay shows that a balanced diet is needed. The time period for Steller Jay’s lessons starts manifesting within 17 days. His medicine culminates quickly 18 days later. In one month, emotional and spiritual maturity is noticeable and bonds are strengthened. Lessons now have a life span of nine years or more. This is very long-lasting transformative time.

Additional Associations for Jay:

- Energy
- Clarity
- Vibrancy
- Advantage
- Curiosity
- Faithfulness
- Intelligence
- Communication
- Determination
- Assertiveness
- Loquaciousness
- Fortitude
- Rebirth
- Life after Death
- Adaptation
- Higher Intelligence

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PostSubject: Re: Animal/Spirit Totems   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyFri Jul 29, 2016 10:12 pm

Spirit Animal/Totem of the Day: July 29, 2016

Black Jaguar

This idea that you have been playing with in your mind needs to be followed up on. Get busy with it and put a plan together! Move on it.   -Black Jaguar

If Black Jaguar has stalked across your path

Black Jaguar is here to remind you that although things are looking fairly dark to you right now there is light at the end of the tunnel. Keep moving in the direction you have been heading, and trust your instincts. This is one of those periods in your life where your faith in yourself is important. You may not be able to see the end result but it will soon become apparent that you have done what is right for you. This is just another one of those life cycles in which our experiences gain us knowledge for the next step. He is reminding you that it is the journey that matters.

Alternatively the appearance of this black panther can herald a period of uncertainty in your life. A feeling of not knowing which direction to turn or which path to take. Rest assured that no matter which path you take – it will be the right one for you if you follow your heart. This is a time of transition for you so remember to stay grounded. Focus on the things that give you joy, love and happiness so that your heart can show you where to go.

The black cat may also be letting you know that perhaps you need to take cover for the moment. Stay low and under the radar. Let all the confusion and drama dissipate itself without your involvement.

If Black Jaguar is your Animal Totem

You have a tendency to be an introvert and avoid large crowds and social activities. You are much happier in small groups or one on one situations. You avoid aggression however are willing to stand up for yourself as a last resort. Flying under the radar is a something you do very well. You love to wait until the very last minute to announce yourself. You use this particular stalk and ambush technique regularly and more often that not the people around you had no idea that you were even interested in the prize. You are drawn to the dark and enjoy most activities after sunset. Many of you will find jobs that suit this schedule because your mind is most active in the darkness.

If Black Jaguar has come into your Dream

When this panther comes to you in a dream make sure you pay attention to your surroundings. More often than not there is danger lurking and enemies at work trying to do you harm. Alternatively this black cat in a dream can be a warning of a serious illness or health challenge that you will have to deal with.

The dream may also be letting you know that you must pay attention to the events currently surrounding you. There is knowledge to be gained.

Additional Associations for Black Jaguar

- Grounds the circle of life
- Knowledge
- Grounding
- Gatekeeper to the Unknowable
- Unusual Skills
- Conflict Avoidance
- Flying under the Radar
- Rare insight
- Power
- Beauty
- Embraces the Darkness
- Grace
- Strength
- Skilled use of Shadows
- Self Reliance
- Agility

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PostSubject: Re: Animal/Spirit Totems   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyMon Aug 01, 2016 11:37 am

Spirit Animal/Totem of the Day: August 1, 2016

Boston Terrier

Widen your circle of compassion by freeing yourself to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. -Boston Terrier

If Boston Terrier has come across your path

You are reminded that in order to be kind to others, you must work on exercising greater compassion on yourself. You may have spent your entire life trying to make others happy, to alleviate their pain or to share your resources with the needy. However, once in a while, it pays to pause and ask yourself if you have somehow your physical, mental or psychological health. Be kind to yourself in small ways. Treat yourself to a relaxing vacation, try a little yoga or meditation to ease your stress, and don’t hesitate to indulge in your favorite activity, whether this be reading, exercising or simply walking in a natural setting. In time, you will see that when you feel calm and fulfilled, your motivation and ability to share yourself with others grows exponentially.

Additionally, you may need to trust yourself more; go with your intuition when you encounter new people and situations. You should not be afraid to choose the journey you instinctively know is right. When you are true to yourself, it is easier to have no regrets. It also eliminates the need to blame others when the results are not as you would have liked.

If Boston Terrier is your Animal Totem

You are very sociable and feel a deep longing when you are separated from your loved ones. You would rather do something mundane with friends and family, than travel the world in search of adventure, alone. You tend to be most comfortable at home, though you are also very active and need to get your heart racing to calm down your nerves. You are playful and childlike at heart, though you are also deeply loyal and sensitive to the suffering of others. This makes you a good friend and loyal family member whom others tend to love and cherish deeply.
If Boston Terrier has come into your dreams;

To dream of a Boston Terrier is an omen for being more daring and open to new people and experiences. One should never create a ‘closed’ list of loved ones. Surprises are always around the corner and the best come in the form of new friends. A Boston Terrier is deeply loyal to its owner but is also happy to greet strangers, especially to those who share an interest in them. Their trusting attitude is one you can learn and benefit greatly from, in both the practical and spiritual sense. Expanding one’s social circle opens many new doors—perhaps to a new job, social circle or hobby. It also enables you to accept help when needed, and to have someone to lean on for support, or to listen to you in times of strife, or to help you with day-to-day tasks. Being with others also enables you to share laughter, which is often the best medicine.

Additional Associations for Boston Terrier

- Trust
- Active
- Loving
- Affectionate
- Stubbornness
- Empathy
- Loyalty
- Flexibility
- Congeniality
- Acceptance
- Nobility

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PostSubject: Re: Animal/Spirit Totems   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyTue Aug 02, 2016 10:58 am

Spirit Animal/Totem of the Day: August 2, 2016

Bouvier des Flandres

Give yourself permission to succeed! -Bouvier des Flandres

If Bouvier des Flandres has come across your path

He is reminding you that you are full of magic and miracles every single day. Take a good look around you and count your blessings with gratitude and faith. Know that you are a being of infinite power and wisdom and have the abilities to reach all of your goals.

Alternatively Bouvier des Flanders may be asking you to take a good look at yourself and how you present yourself to others. Know that you can be perceived as intimidating and all powerful even if you are the gentlest of souls. Allow all your traits to blend and know that it is safe for others to see your softness as well.

If Bouvier des Flandres is your Animal Totem

You have a very pleasant nature and gentle personality although you tend to look intimidating to others. You take responsibility seriously and never let those who are counting on you down. You are intelligent, enjoy supervisory roles with your work and are extremely good at timing your moves exactly right. Your loyalty to your peers and employers is very well known.

You are also athletic and agile however a bit on the lazy side and have to push yourself to exercise. You enjoy mental stimulation in the form of puzzles and problem solving. You are very family oriented, aloof with strangers and assertive when challenged.

If Bouvier des Flandres has come into your dreams

If Bouvier des Flanders is working a herd of other animals the dream symbolizes that you must trust your instincts in a current situation and allow those instincts to guide your decisions. Let go of appearances and simply do what is right for you. If the Dog is pulling a cart it could represent a burden you have been unable to let go of. Spend time working through it and elevate your consciousness to free yourself. If the Dog is on his own he is demonstrating to you that you have the confidence and will to accomplish your goals.

Additional Associations for Bouvier des Flandres

- Elevating your Consciousness
- Wizardry
- Gentleness
- Intelligence
- Transcendence
- Responsibility
- Rationality
- Loyalty
- Protection

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PostSubject: Re: Animal/Spirit Totems   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyWed Aug 03, 2016 12:11 pm

Spirit Animal/Totem of the Day: August 3, 2016


It takes courage to allow yourself to feel your emotions. Protecting them will not help you release them. -Boxer

If Boxer has come across your path

You are being reminded that it is safe for you to grow and move forward at this time. Stop hiding yourself and who you are and find your voice in the face of peer pressure. Only you can decide what is right for you and where you are comfortable with the things that surround you. Whether they are moral issues, racism or simply injustice – we must all learn to speak our own truth from our hearts.

Alternatively Boxer may be reminding you that it is time to let go of all the seriousness in your life and find some time to play. Being focused on our causes can be a good thing but we also need to take down time for ourselves in order to rest and regroup. Often when we do this we will find ourselves refreshed and with great new ideas.

If Boxer is your Animal Totem

You are highly protective of the people that you love and support. You are unafraid to speak your mind on any issue and you frequently will stand up to any perceived injustice. You have a tendency to pick causes that are involve moral issues and racism. You are generally the voice of reason among your peers. You are careful in your choice of friends, however once you have accepted a friendship you are extremely loyal.

If Boxer has come into your dreams

To see this dog in your dream signifies that you are protecting yourself in some way. You are avoiding some inner conflict and have not taken the time to process your feeling in the matter. When this dog is barking aggressively in your dream it symbolizes that you are going against what you know deep inside is not morally right for you. You are conflicted with those around you and are not heading your own inner warning that something is not right. To see a white Boxer in your dreams means that you are choosing not to listen to your intuition.

Additional Associations for Boxer

- Devotion
- Playfulness
- Protection
- Confidence
- Boxing up our emotions
- Fearlessness
- Courage
- Bravery in the face of moral issues
- Intelligence
- Loyalty
- Energetic pursuit of goals
- Persistence
- Stubbornness
- Dexterity
- Athleticism
- Happiness
- Entertainment

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PostSubject: Re: Animal/Spirit Totems   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyThu Aug 04, 2016 4:26 pm

Animal Totem of the Day: August 4 2016


You are provided for in all ways. -Buffalo

If Buffalo has come stampeding into your life

Buffalo is a reminder that you are always provided for and that your attitude towards abundance influences the rest of this planet. It is knowing that abundance is present when all relations are honored as sacred and when gratitude is expressed to every part of creation. Buffalo symbolism is prayer, gratitude and praise. Praying for the needs of all creatures, for harmony and giving praise for the gifts you have already received.

If Buffalo is your Animal Totem

You must walk a sacred path, honoring every aspect of life. You will achieve nothing without the aid of the Spiritual Realms and you must be humble enough to ask for assistance and then be grateful for those gifts. A Buffalo totem will seek to help you establish a deep connection to the Earth and it will ask you to help the endangered species of our planet. He will bring you strength of character and an independent spirit. It is the totem of abundance. Do not push or force, but simply follow the easiest path.

If Buffalo has come to your Dreams

It is a symbol of survival, strength, and power. The dream may also be a caution that you are deviating from your life path and goals. Alternatively, the dream can represent your heritage and your roots. In particular, if you see a white buffalo in your dream, then it means that your desires or wishes will be fulfilled.

To see an injured or killed buffalo, forewarns that you need to carefully think through any new ventures and projects that you are undertaking.

To see a herd of buffalo in your dream signifies tranquility and abundance.

Additional Associations for Buffalo

- Abundance
- Manifesting goals
- Gratitude
- Surrender
- Sacrifice and Service to Community
- Prayer
- Consistency
- Provision
- Blessing
- Strength
- Stability
- Prosperity

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PostSubject: Re: Animal/Spirit Totems   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyFri Aug 05, 2016 1:28 pm

Animal Totem of the Day: August 5, 2016


Make sure you pull your own weight today. Many hands make light work. -Bulldog

If Bulldog has come sauntering across your path

Bulldog is reminding you to stick with your guns and that it is safe to be stubbornly loyal and determined to do the right thing. However you must also be careful that you are not taking on the roles of judge and jury. A subtle approach will get you much further.

Alternatively breed of dog is letting you know that your opinions are important. However you must be self aware enough to make sure that you don’t have a “My minds made up – don’t confuse me with facts!” attitude.Know yourself well enough to be clear that there is no personal rivalry involved.

If Bulldog is your Animal Totem

You have a tendency to be a bit passive and complacent unless you are provoked. If you are provoked you become very protective and will move amazingly swiftly to protect those around you and what you perceive to be your territory and family. You are gregarious by nature, enjoy bringing others to laughter, tend to fly under the radar until you choose to make yourself known. You know how to time things to get the best results in life and always manage to accomplish things with a minimum of effort.

If Bulldog has come into your dreams

This breed of dog in a dream symbolizes that you have transformed an enemy into a powerful friend without realizing it. It can also mean that you will be receiving good news from an absent friend.

To see a friendly dog of this type in your dream signifies that you will rise in life, regardless of adverse criticisms and the malicious interference of others.

Additional Meanings of Bulldog

- Gregariousness
- Friendliness
- Docility
- Willfulness
- Intimidation
- Gentleness
- Dependability
- Persistence and Tenacity
- Determination
- Bullheadedness
- Tractability
- Solitary Defiance
- Courage
- Passivity

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Animal/Spirit Totems Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal/Spirit Totems   Animal/Spirit Totems EmptyTue Aug 09, 2016 9:47 pm

Animal Totem of the Day: August 9, 2016

You are marvelously unique! Allow yourself to show it! -Peacock

If Peacock has come across your path

The Peacock is here to remind that nothing, including beauty, should be taken too seriously. This will help you stay centered on what is and allow you to be grateful for what you have. Having a light hearted approach to all things that come our way because laughter really is the best medicine to keeps us healthy and happy.

Alternatively this bird could be letting you know that now is the time to acknowledge your dreams and aspirations within yourself. Use this birds gifts to bring you confidence, stature and a sense of accomplishment in all the things around you and all your current projects.

If Peacock is your Animal Totem

You are a person who always comes from a place of honor and integrity. You stand up for your beliefs and you live by them. You have a tendency towards flamboyance at times and enjoy showing your true colors to all those around you. You are completely trustworthy, self-confident and are good at discerning the truth in all matters. You are always willing to walk your talk. You revel in being the center of attention.

Those with this totem often gain recognition for their talents and have the potential to be prominent leaders in their chosen field.

If Peacock has flown into your Dream

To see this bird in your dreams represents spring, birth, new growth, longevity, and love. It is a good omen, signaling prestige, success and contentment in your relationship or career. It could also be that the peacock signifies pride, confidence and vanity. You may be showing off too much or are overly arrogant with your success and achievements. A peacock may also suggest that many eyes are watching you.

Additional Associations for Peacock

- All aspects of beauty
- Immortality
- Glory
- Vision
- Royalty
- Spirituality
- Awakening
- Foundation of our structure
- Allows greater wisdom to be seen
- Endurance of spirit
- Refinement
- Incorruptibility
- Ability to see into the past, present, and future
- Dignity
- Self-confidence
- Rising out of ashes
- Sight and sound
- Love
- Pride
- Luxury
- Desire
- Beauty
- Vitality
- Nobility
- Sexuality
- Generosity
- Longevity
- Compassion
- Sensuality
- Expansiveness
- Resurrection
- Watchfulness
- Karmic connections

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